Food Business Workshops

Farm Food Drink creates efficient, practical workshops for small-scale farmers and food processors wishing to grow their businesses. Our sector-specific instructors provide expert knowledge and experience, and help you implement your project or business plan. Plus our hands-on “learning by doing” approach allows you to work directly on your project as you progress through the workshop.

Level 1
Not sure where to start with your food business? Our Level 1: Introduction to Food Business Workshop is ideal for those who don't quite know where to start with their food business.

Food Business Introduction
An in-person workshop to guide beginners through strategic planning, including business plan, creation and focused marketing research.
View course details here.

Level 2
Starting or growing your food business? Our Level 2 workshops are perfect for those who are starting or planning to grow their micro food business.

Agri-Food Entrepreneur & Supervisor Program
A comprehensive overview of business planning processes, overviews the skills essential for the sector’s key roles, and helps participants complete a viable business plan.
View course details here.

Food Business Planning
A full set of planning templates to help you follow through on your aspirations, along with mentoring support from Farm Food Drink experts and other local food system advocates.
View course details here.

2-day Food Processor Business Planning Workshop
This intensive two-day program introduces food/farm business owners and managers to the essentials of establishing and running a small-scale food business.
View course details here.

Level 3
Is it time to pivot or grow your food business? Our Level 3 workshops are intended for those with established businesses who have significant opportunity or challenge.

Food Business Refresh
This largely self-directed program is designed to help participants identify their most urgent growth opportunities and develop a working plan to implement them.
View course details here.

Food Business Marketing
This comprehensive set of workshops and one-on-one coaching sessions helps participants plan major upscales of their food businesses, with seasoned mentors and proven guidelines preparing them for their business’s next stages.
View course details here.

Farm Business Refresh
With the help of food specialists, this workshop-plus-coaching program encourages participants to assess, plan and implement their pivots.
View course details here.

Seafood Business Accelerator
Seafood Business Accelerator is an essential workshop for seafood entrepreneurs hoping to capture more value for their harvests. Accelerator provides food industry training, coaching, and business advice, as well as one-on-one help to complete a seafood innovation plan and product prototype.
View course details here.

Looking for workshops on specialized topics? Our Specialization workshops are intended for those with established businesses looking for specialized workshops on specific topics.

Food Business Marketing Research
This advanced program introduces participants to basic marketing research techniques to enable them to independently conduct basic marketing research.
View course details here.

Food Business Packaging & Labelling
Provides a thorough overview of the essential components of food and beverage packaging and labelling, with templates and exercises to illustrate these processes.
View course details here.

Food Business Digital Marketing
Digital marketing for food products is a popular and rapidly expanding field. Farm Food Drink’s Food Business Digital Marketing provides an efficient overview of the ‘what’ and ‘how’ of digital marketing for small-scale food businesses.
View course details here.

Lean Marketing Program
Many food business owners find the world of marketing confusing and time-consuming. Farm Food Drink’s Lean Stream Marketing trains participants to test their marketing campaigns quickly, with fewer resources, and to learn immediately from the results.
View course details here.